
Kalibratie met accreditatie

Houd uw kwaliteitscontrole nauwkeurig & traceerbaar en het vertrouwen van uw klanten hoog

Wereldwijde kennis en expertise binnen handbereik. Mitutoyo is uw partner voor hoogwaardig precisiemeetgereedschap en betrouwbare persoonlijke service. Sinds 1994 biedt Mitutoyo Nederland binnen haar marktsegment accreditatie aan. Hiermee voldoet Mitutoyo aan de internationale ISO 17025-norm, die van toepassing is op alle organisaties die beproevingen en/of kalibraties uitvoeren en waarbij de uitvoering onafhankelijk door de Raad voor Accreditatie gecontroleerd wordt.

  • Een geringe investering voor een maximum aan vertrouwen. Kalibratie met accreditatie geeft repetitieve en herleidbare meetresultaten en daarmee een hoger vertrouwen voor u en uw klanten;
  • Voor de beheersbaarheid van uw meet- en productieproces;
  • Om te controleren of uw meetmiddel binnen specificatie ligt;
  • U kunt aantonen dat uw standaarden en/of meetinstrumenten door een RvA-erkend kalibratielaboratorium gecontroleerd worden;
  • Om herleidbaarheid naar de meter aan te tonen, noodzakelijk voor herleidbare kalibratieresultaten en productbeoordelingen;
  • Ter voorkoming van foute metingen, om het risico van afkeur te minimaliseren;
  • Ter voorkoming van prijzige en tijdrovende herbeoordelingen van uw product;
  • Om de systematische afwijking(en) van uw meetmiddel in kaart te brengen, zodat afwijkingen eventueel kunnen worden gecorrigeerd;
  • Om historie (kennis) omtrent uw meetinstrument op te bouwen (stabiel of eventuele drift door slijtage, schade, etc.);
  • Bij kalibratiecertificaten is de meetonzekerheid door de onafhankelijke instantie RvA gecontroleerd en gevalideerd, zodat de meetonzekerheid van uw meetproces en productieproces in kaart kan worden gebracht;
  • Essentieel voor uw kwaliteitssysteem (beheersing meetapparatuur).


Waarom voor een geaccrediteerde kalibratie kiezen?

Welke instanties zorgen voor controle en afgifte van kalibratiecertificaten?

De Raad voor Accreditatie (RvA) in Nederland en de Belgische Accreditatieinstelling (BELAC) zijn de enige organen in de BeNeLux die de meetonzekerheid op uw machines onafhankelijk controleren. Het ILAC zorgt er middels Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA) voor dat bijna alle accrediterende instanties in de wereld uw kalibratiecertificaten accepteren. De lokale accrediterende organisatie heeft namelijk gecontroleerd dat Mitutoyo BeNeLux aan de ISO 17025 norm voldoet. De accreditatiemetingen (NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17025:2017) worden door gekwalificeerde medewerkers van de Technische Dienst van Mitutoyo BeNeLux uitgevoerd. De afgeleverde certificaten passen in elk kwaliteitssysteem (ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, AS 9100, ISO 13485,…).


  • 3D coördinatenmeetmachines
  • Lengtemeetbanken
  • Hoogtemeters
  • Meetprojectoren en -microscopen
  • Mitutoyo Quick Image, Quick Scope, Quick Vision
  • Ruwheidsmeters
  • Rondheidsmeters

Kijk voor het complete overzicht op de Raad van Accreditatie.

Eigen Kalibratie

In de geaccrediteerde Mitutoyo-laboratoria

We bieden hoogwaardige, ISO 17025-geaccrediteerde kalibratielaboratoria in heel Europa. Ze voldoen allemaal aan alle eisen voor maximale betrouwbaarheid met een lage meetonzekerheid.

  • Geaccrediteerde kalibraties van een breed scala aan meetapparatuur en kalibratiestandaarden
  • Uitstekende kalibratie-instrumenten, zoals GBCD100A en I-checker voor kalibratie.
  • Onze kalibratie-instrumenten worden periodiek gekalibreerd onder accreditatie.
  • Alle Europese Mitutoyo-organisaties voldoen aan de internationale ISO 17025-norm die voldoet aan de algemene eisen voor de competentie van test- en kalibratielaboratoria.
  • Alle lokale Mitutoyo-kalibraties kunnen worden uitgevoerd in overeenstemming met lokale accreditatie-instanties.


Kalibratie op locatie

Bij uw productie of QC faciliteit

Onze goed opgeleide specialisten voeren alle vereiste taken voor kalibratie uit bij u op locatie. Profiteer van de combinatie van onderhoud en reparatie met onze ISO 17025-gecertificeerde kalibratiediensten.

  • Geaccrediteerde kalibraties op locatie met een breed scala aan meetapparatuur
    en kalibratiestandaarden.
  • Uitstekende kalibratie-instrumenten, zoals laserinterferometers.
    voor kalibratie van coördinatenmeetmachines, op locatie gebracht
  • Onze kalibratie-instrumenten worden periodiek gekalibreerd onder accreditatie.
    Voldoet aan de internationale ISO 17025-norm.
  • Alle lokale Mitutoyo On-Site kalibraties kunnen worden uitgevoerd in overeenstemming met lokale accreditatie-instanties.



Bekijk alle instrumenten met details en kalibratietype die onder Mitutoyo kalibratiedienst vallen.

Full list of Products:
Mitutoyo Product Product Details Type of Calibration
3D Coordinate Measuring Machines With a diagonal up to 7.500 mm and touch probing. Only selected devices & hardware On-Site / accredited
3D Coordinate Measuring Machines With a diagonal up to 1.530 mm and Optical Probing. Only selected devices & hardware On-Site / accredited
Gauge Blocks From Steel / Ceramic / Tungsten Carbide and Nexcera Up to 1000 mm (tungsten carbide only up to 100 mm) In-House / accredited
Groove depth Pt and d on depth setting standards From 0,2 µm up to 12 µm In-House / accredited
Roughness on periodic and aperiodic roughness standards Ra: 0,1 µm up to 4 µm; Rz, Rmax (Rzx): 0,8 µm up to 20 µm In-House / accredited
Roughness on superfine roughness standards Ra: 0,025 µm up to 0,1 µm; Rz, Rmax (Rzx): 0,15 µm up to 0,8 µm In-House / accredited
Contact Stylus Instruments Groove depth Pt and d: 0,2 µm up to 12 µm; Ra: 0,1 µm up to 4 µm; Rz, Rmax (Rzx): 0,8 µm up to 20 µm. devices and hardware only. In-House / according to DIN EN ISO 3274:1998
Calipers for outside, inside, and depth measurements Up to 3.000 mm In-House / accredited (up to 2.000 mm) / proprietary (up to 3.000 mm)
Height Gauges Up to 1.000 mm In-House / accredited
Micrometers From 0 up to 2.000 mm In-House / accredited (up to 500 mm) / proprietary (up to 2.000 mm)
Setting Gauges for Outside Micrometers From 25 mm up to 1.000 mm In-House / accredited
Setting Gauges for Outside Micrometers From 1.000 mm to 3.000 mm Proprietary
Dial and Digital Gauges Up to 100 mm In-House / accredited
Dial Test Indicators - 1,6 mm In-House / accredited
Dial Gauge Tester - 100 mm In-House / accredited
Laser Interferometers Up to 6.000 mm In-House / accredited
Line Standards Up to 400 mm In-House / accredited
Checkmasters / Step Gauges Up to 1.010 mm In-House / accredited
2 Point Inside Micrometers Up to 1.050 mm Proprietary
3 Line Inside Micrometer Up to 300 mm Proprietary
Height Gauges Up to 1.500 mm Proprietary
Linear Height / QM-Height Height Gauges Up to 1.000 mm Proprietary (accredited under preparation)
Protractors Proprietary
Electronic and Spirit Levels Proprietary
Hardness Testers - Shore A / D Proprietary
Beveled Squares Proprietary
Straight-Edges Proprietary
Sine Bars 200 mm, 300 mm, and 500 mm Proprietary
Cylindrical Pins / Test Pins - 100 mm Proprietary
Optical Flats Proprietary
Linear Scales Up to 1.500 mm Proprietary
Masterballs for Roundness Measuring and 3D Coordinate Measuring Machines Proprietary (accredited under preparation)
GO / NO-GO Gauges Up to 200 mm Proprietary
Setting Rings Up to Ø300 mm Proprietary
Laser Scan Micrometers Proprietary
Granite Plates Proprietary
Engraving of Test Equipment
Contour Measuring Machines On-Site / proprietary (accredited under preparation)
Hardness Testers On-Site / proprietary
Laser Scan Micrometers On-Site / proprietary (accredited under preparation)
Stylus Instruments Groove depth Pt and d: 0,2 µm up to 12 µm; Ra: 0,1 µm up to 4 µm; Rz, Rmax (Rzx): 0,8 µm up to 20 µm Only selected devices & hardware According to DIN EN ISO 3274:1998

Mitutoyo's ISO 17025-kalibratiediensten in Europa per product

Mitutoyo ISO 17025 Calibration for Metrology Instruments in Europe
iChecker X X X X
CMM and CMM Probes X x X X X X X X X X X X (via DE)
Surface Roughness Plates X X
Linear-Heights Height-Gauges X X X X X X
Profile Projectors X X X X X X
Measuring Microscopes X X X X X X
Vision Measuring Machines X X X X X X
Laser Scan Micrometers (LSM) X
Roundness Measurement Systems X X X
Contour Measurement Systems X X X X
Surface-Roughness Measurement Systems X X X X

Meer dan alleen meetinstrumenten
Mitutoyo biedt ook services voor een breed scala aan ISO 17025-geaccrediteerde kalibraties van Metrology Masters.

Bekijk alle Mitutoyo ISO 17025 kalibratie voor metrologie Masters

ISO 17025 Calbration of Metrology Masters
Lasers and Weather Stations X
Gauge blocks SMALL X X X X X X
Gauge Blocks LONG X X X X
Micrometer setting-rods X X X X
Step-Gauges X X X
Master ball (d, RONt) X X x
Ring-Gauges (d, RONt) X X
Line Scale (for Profile Projectors) X X
Line-Standards (For Vision Measuring Machines) X X
2-D Grids X
Quick Vision Mask X
Laser Scan Micrometer Glass Masks X
Hemispheres X
Flick X
Roughness Specimen (+Depth) X X X
Straight-Edge (CMM / FMI) X
Precision Squares X
Handheld Temperature Devices X
Mitutoyo´s Knowledge Base - Calibration

The Key to Reliable Measurement Results


Traceability‘ is the key when it comes to calibration.

For calibrating measuring instruments or standards, which represent special values or limits, it is necessary to link/reference them to the physical base unit(s) they are meant for (e.g. the meter m).

More Details and Downloads

  • To obtain these links, the national metrological institutes offer calibrations with their national primary standards, which are the definitive definition or realization of their unit of measure.
  • Standards calibrated in this manner are so-called secondary standards.
  • The third level of standard, a standard that is periodically calibrated against a secondary standard, is known as a working standard. Working standards are used for the calibration of commercial and industrial measurement equipment.
  • For calibration, it is essential to use standards traceable to the primary standards, since we use the same units. To document this, the standards used with their valid calibration mark have to be stated in the calibration certificate. 


Download Mitutoyo´s Traceability System Chart

A Quick Definition of


Calibration is the process to determine deviations from a device or standard. This may include a validation of conformity (e.g. the product specifications) and to document the results, the method of calibration, and the standards used for the calibration a certificate of calibration will be created.

More Details and Downloads

  • Calibration (and recalibration) of measurement devices and working standards in the industries is necessary to confirm the proper function and more importantly, ensure quality.
  • To provide recognized calibrations, laboratories have to be at least accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
  • Measurement to a consistently high level of accuracy can only be achieved if instruments are periodically calibrated against traceable standards




See a List of Mitutoyo’s Global Accredited Calibration Labs

Doing the Math

Measurement Uncertainty

Measurements are always uncertain to a defined quantity.


There are existing several statistical methods to obtain the uncertainty according to the confidence you need. Usually, the measurement of uncertainty is given with a confidence of ≈95%.


More Details

  • By watching to chain of calibrations, from primary standard down to working standard [see ‘traceability’], the uncertainty of measurement will rise, because every further calibration contains the uncertainties of the standards used and in addition the uncertainty of the method of the calibration. The uncertainty of measurement in fact reflects the quality grade of the calibration.

  • For calibration purposes, you are always looking for better standards and/or better methods to push your uncertainty of measurement stated in the calibration certificate.

  • For customer's purposes, it is an economic matter of requirements vs. price. In reality, the majority of customers aren't familiar with the uncertainty of measurement. This results in decisions being made mostly by predetermined standards set up in contracts or business guidelines.


Confirming the Competences


Accreditations - the reliable instrument confirming competence.

Calibration laboratories may obtain accreditation by their national accreditation body, which is the DAkkS in the Federal Republic of Germany, the UKAS in the UK, and the RvA in the Netherlands for example.

More Details

  • An accreditation by these bodies confirms that organizations such as testing, inspection, and certification bodies can undertake their activities competently in accordance with internationally recognized standards and in line with the regulatory requirements. This establishes confidence in the important work of these independent conformity assessment bodies and their services in all sectors of the economy.

  • Also, accreditation ensures the international recognition of conformity assessments, contributing to free trade in Europe and around the world.

  • Actually, accredited calibrations had become more of interest because of contracts and guidelines between the industry and their suppliers. Especially the automotive industry demands ‘more trusted’ calibrations for their suppliers.

    More and more customers seem to prefer accredited calibrations because of some kind of insecurity with proprietary calibration.


Stay Tuned 

Recommended Calibration Frequencies


A calibration interval is the period of time established for a test instrument to be recalibrated. Mitutoyo recommends recalibrating your instruments frequently to be confident they are performing the best and most accurate way possible.

Recommended Recalibration Frequencies

List of Products:
Mitutoyo Product Tools for Technical Service / Workshop etc. Tools / Standards for Calibration Laboratory Recommended Regular Internal Checks
Micrometer 1 Year
Bore Gauges / Holtest 1 Year
Caliper 1 Year
Dial and Digimatic/ Linear Gauges 2 Years
Laser Scan Micrometer 1 Year to 3 Years 1 Year 3 Months
Microscopes / Projectors 1 Year to 2 Years Regulary
Checkmaster up to 1010 mm 2 Years 2 Years
Checkmaster over 1010 mm from RvA 2 Years --
Checkmaster over 1010 mm Initial Re-Calibration after 1 Year. Then every 2 Years. 1 Year
Glass Scales and Masks 5 Years 3 Years
Gauge Blocks up to 100 mm 4 Years Initial Re-Calibration after 1.5 Years (over 15 mm). Then every 3 Years.
Gauge Blocks over 100 mm 3 Years Initial Re-Calibration after 1.5 Years. Then every 3 Years.
FMI Tools (X-Tools, Triangles, Square Blocks, Cylinders, Dumbbells, etc.) 3 Years 3 Years
Reference Hemispheres 3 Years 5 Years
Roughness Specimen 1.5 Years in Workshop. 3 Years in Technical Service. 5 Years
Setting Rings, Pin Gauges 3 Years 3 Years
Masterballs 3 Years 3 Years
Dial Gauge Tester 2 Years 1 Year 3 Months
Hardness Plates 5 Years 5 Years
Thermometer 1 Year 2 Years
Thermometer Pt 100 1 Year 1 Year
Electrical devices (Oscilloscopes, Multimeter, etc.) 1 Year 1 Year
Granite Plates and Squares 5 Years 3 Years
Universal Height Master 3 Years 2 Years
Laser Interferometer 2 Years 2 Years 3 Months
3D Coordinate Measuring Machines 1 Year 1 Year 3 Months
Gauge Block Tester 1 Year 1 Year 3 Months
Roughness/Roundness/Length Measuring Machines 1 Year 1 Year 3 Months
2D / 3D Vision Measuring Machines 1 Year 1 Year 3 Months

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